Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"Vase and Bamboo"

Recently, I reviewed my still life paintings. I found that most of my work were either small daily studies or demos on my workshops. I have not done enough larger and more serious paintings. I also noticed that I painted either very quick, finish a painting in a few hours, or I have to do one in 4 or 5 days. Now I start to realize that doing serious gallery level paintings is totally different ball game than doing quick studies. In other words, doing small daily paintings does not help much to the larger and serious paintings. That is why I have to spend quite a few days to finish a larger painting, because I don't have enough skill and knowledge for doing large paintings. I will exhaust all I know about painting in a few hours, then I have to do a lot of research after that, so it automatically prolong significantly the painting process. My today's painting took me 4 days. It will be sent the InSight Gallery for the Fall Show. Perhaps this is my very first serious high key still life painting.

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