Sunday, October 26, 2014

Visiting Adelaide Cummings

We have arrived at Cape Cod this afternoon. We visited our friend Adelaide Cummings at West Falmouth. Adelaide is a legendary lady. She has just turned 100 years young in June. She wears a special pendent, which is her Olympic gold medal. She is winner of 4 Olympic gold medals in Tennis. Now she is also a very well known poet, and still writing every day. We met Adelaide the first time at Hope Town, the Bahamas in February. She was our next door neighbor at the hotel we stayed. Her story inspired me tremendously. She spends a part of the year in Bahamas, and the rest of year at her home in West Falmouth. I am so happy seeing her again here. Now I want share a verse of her poem with all of you:


Folks are prone to blink, then rue,

What they think an aging mind can't do.

So, here are facts they need to heed...

We still read, enjoy a drink,

Rarely think we're on the brink,

Seldom call on help from shrink,

So to brush us off is oh so sad.

It's true we don't pursue each fad,

But we still have the brains we had!

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