Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Pet portrait commission

Hi all, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm currently working on a pet portrait..something I rarely do, as commissions can be stressful, especially if the customer wants to many things in the painting. This painting is a surprise Christmas gift for a friend/relative of the customer, so I wasn't able to take my own pictures of the pet..I had to rely on the customer's which were sent through email and rather pixelated and not real sharp. The important elements they want to include in the painting other than the dog, are the dog's toy purse, it's name tag, and it was important that the dog be on a lawn. So, I was sent separate pics of the dog, the lawn , the name tag and the toy purse..none of them to scale with each other. Fortunately I have Photoshop so could size and piece all the elements in one photo, so that is what I've been working from. The picture of the dog wasn't on a lawn, it was lying in the backseat of a car (black upholstery) so I had to cut it out of the seat and place it on the lawn pic and will try to make it look like she's really lying on a lawn. Here's what I've done so far with it. Still have a ways to go..I'll post another pic when I'm farther along.

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