Friday, April 24, 2015

International Threads challenges 4

I mentioned in my last post that one of our challenges for International Threads was "lines."  Having worked with lines in dozens and dozens of different ways in the last eight years, I decided the only area I hadn't yet properly explored was curved lines.  I had tried to piece very fine curved lines a couple of years ago with limited success, but on the small scale of our challenge pieces I thought I could do a good job.

Sargasso, 2015

I liked the result, and had fun putting the scales on the fish with free-motion quilting, but not sure that I am enthralled enough to go do more curves.  Before I do, I'd need to have an idea -- for instance, if the curves represented waves I might consider a series commemorating my love of ocean travel.  But it would need more meaning than that.  Just "ocean" or "fish" doesn't have enough intellectual weight to carry the commitment of a series.

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