Saturday, July 4, 2015

"Tangerines, Onions, and Grapes"

Happy 4th of July to All of You,

After I came back from Indianapolis, I was obsessed of cleaning up my studio. As a matter of fact, I have relocated my studio and office. I thought it would take me only a few hours, but it ended up I have spent almost a week. I did not realize how much junk I have accumulated even I consider myself a mindful and organized person. This is a modern disease. I think most of us live in trash piles and do not sense that. We just manage a small area we can function within a massive amount of trash. In physics, this is called the second law of the thermodynamics.

Now my new studio and office are barely functioning. I know I must paint, before I turn into a professional janitor. This painting started in February, (I didn't realize time goes by so fast). I have painted more grapes yesterday.

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