Tuesday, November 3, 2015

See this quilt before it disappears

Vancouver Barbara left a comment yesterday that she wants to see the spoiled quilt, even with its typo (or as my art pal calls it, a stitcho).  So here it is.  Sorry that it's difficult to read -- in the flesh it's not quite so monotone, although it certainly is deliberately low-contrast.  (If only I had given more thought from the start to how it might look in photos....)

I know this information because we found the record of their arrival in the huge Germans To America reference books, which list every passenger on every ship from Germany to the US for much of the 19th century.  I was delighted to find this illustration, an engraving of the actual ship they traveled on.

By the way, I think this piece is going to be cut into little bits and reincarnated.  I'll keep you posted!

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