Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Postage stamps again

I'm way overdue on making my quilt for my International Threads group; the prompt "signs and symbols" was supposed to be made by October, but for some reason I was blanking on what to do.  You know my rule is to respond to challenges only with things that are already on my mind or better yet, on my to-do list.  (Because challenges are so enticing, I have to restrain myself from going after every one that crosses my path.)  But what could I do for this theme that was already on my table?

Finally it hit me -- duh -- I should do the alphabet.  And with a bit of arithmetical fiddling I realized that I could do four alphabets, 108 letters, in my old favorite "postage stamp" format and fit them perfectly into the assigned dimensions of the quilts.  So I whipped into a frenzy of stitching over the New Year's holiday and to make my tiny "stamps."

I've made a lot of postage stamp quilts and have figured out how to crank them out almost on an assembly line, so the construction is a case of plonking down at the sewing machine, turning on trash TV and SEWING, SEWING, SEWING.  Because all the stamps are the same size, I gang them up into long rows and sew from one to the next, cutting them apart only at the very end.  One thing I love about this process is that the stamps tend to accordion-fold themselves up into a neat pile behind the sewing machine where I can't see them.  When it's time to start a new row of stitching, there they are pretty much in a little bundle!

Here they are ready to be arranged and sewed together.

And here's the finished product:

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