Monday, February 1, 2016

ART 101 -- success!!

I mentioned to you that I'm taking a drawing class this semester.  So far I've learned that I like line a lot more than I like shading, that I like pen a lot more than I like pencil, and that my skills of visual observation and memory need a lot of improvement.  So last week I was astounded to realize that I have actually learned something on that last count.

We were privileged to attend a little salon/soiree in honor of the violinist appearing with the Louisville Orchestra last weekend, Augustin Hadelich.  The high point of the evening was a performance, and though we were kind of crammed in to a small room with obstructed views, I did have a good line of sight to Hadelich's face.  He has a striking face, and his deep-set eyes were in shadow most of the time due to the overhead lighting.

I set myself a challenge -- could I pay close attention to that face and memorize the details so that I could draw him when I got home?  With that assignment in mind, I was able to focus on his features and force myself to articulate a description (I know I do better at analysis and memory when I translate visual impressions to words).  Then the next day I whipped out my little sketchbook and did this:

Now that I compare the sketch to the photo, I think the only thing I got wrong was the lower lip -- the vertical dimension is right, but it's a bit too wide horizontally.  If I had been working in pencil I could fix it, but since it's ink I'll let it stand.

You might think this is an insignificant accomplishment, but I am over the moon!  This is the first time in my life I have ever drawn a picture of an actual person that ended up looking like him.  Please join my celebration, even if you may think it's not much to write home about.

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