Thursday, October 13, 2016

“Fall Blossoms"

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This is my first painting after I returned to the States. For a while, I have been testing new painting experiments. I was told I should come out of my comfort zone and try new stuff. I tried using more high key colors, splashed impressionistically, and even limited myself into monochromes. I used more knifes to sculpted old architectural structures, and doing more plein air landscapes. My art journey has been turned into a drifting wandering. My work sometime is satisfactory, but more often they are mediocre.  Of course, it is normal, because I am doing something I have not been experienced with. Well, I have kind of enjoyed this type of semi-drunk stage, but I know I have gradually lost my identity. Now I have heard a weak voice whispering from the deep part of my mind: go back. Go back to the place where you started and examine what is your first motivation in art.

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