Thursday, April 26, 2018

Spell check strikes again

I've never been a big fan of spell check because spell check can't think.  As long as a word is in the dictionary it's OK with spell check, even if it's the rung worm.  People neglect to proofread their own work because after all, they ran spell check!  And I particularly hate spell check with autocorrect because -- well, you know why.

But when I was getting ready to send a new book off to Blurb for printing, I allowed the spell check to run just in case.

This is a spell check that suggests alternatives for the words it doesn't like.  It didn't like "artwithaneedle," which was understandable.  But I was surprised to see what it suggested instead:

(In case you can't read it, spell check suggested that I change it to "trichloroethane.")

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