Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Daily art report 9 -- sketching real places

Bringing you up to date on my daily map project.  Earlier I wrote about drawing maps of imaginary places.  I'm also using my sketchbook to make maps of real places.  Sometimes I print out an actual map and use it as a template; other times I'll look at a real map and draw it by eye.

I may label interesting things that I saw along the way -- on this map, I found a penny in the alley and saw two toilets set out at the curb for the junk pickup.

Frequently I'll map my travels of the day, or draw the neighborhoods where I lived as a kid.

Or I'll copy a map of a faraway city or country.

Sometimes I try to be very accurate --

other times I'll do a "mind map," where I just draw without consulting a source.  Often that works out OK, but just not exactly to scale.  But sometimes I realize that my mind doesn't map very well.  I can drive or walk from Point A to Point B and back with total confidence, but if I start drawing from both points simultaneously they sometimes don't meet in the middle.  I label that as the time-space warp.

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