Thursday, October 25, 2018

Almost finished

The show has to be open for the public at noon today, and with any luck it will be!  I have been at the gallery every day this week with a rotating crew of friends and family, without whom I would have been in deep trouble.  Monday was carpentry time, as my older son installed a rail on which to display a bunch of matted photos from my 2010 and 2011 daily art.  This was my first time to see a laser level in use and boy, is that a nice little toy!

Here's what the rail looks like finished:

On Tuesday my friend Vickie, who had done so much in helping me last week, showed up again and we made all the decisions about what should go where.  My younger son came to wrangle pedestals and climb ladders; we got the 2001 calendar quilt up on the wall and all the weekly package/bundles put out.

Yesterday my fellow PYRO members Bette and Claudia helped me get the finishing touches on the installations, and do a professional job of lighting.  We are fortunate to have a wonderful track light system at the gallery but you still have to climb the ladder and adjust the lamps by hand.  (You lost me as "climb the ladder.")

Despite going shopping every day this week, I still had one more last-minute list to do on the way to dinner last night.  I think I have everything I need in the car as I head off to the gallery for what had better be the last trip.  Getting very tired of installation -- want to get on to the party phase of this opening!

The show, "Day By Day By Day: adventures in daily art" will be at PYRO Gallery, 1006 E. Washington St. in Louisville KY through December 1.  The opening reception will be Sunday October 28, 1-4:30 pm, and I'll do a gallery talk at noon on Saturday November 3.  It would be wonderful if some of my internet friends could be here in person.

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