Saturday, March 9, 2019

Last week on Art With a Needle

After I wrote about the "home songs" I'm doing in calligraphy, Gail left a comment:  "When I read this, my earworm immediately started alternating between My Indiana Home and Tie a Yellow Ribbon.  Yesterday it was Sweet Home Alabama and today it's Simon & Garfunkel's Homeward Bound.  LOL!"

I've already calligraphed (if that's a word) Indiana and Homeward Bound; Alabama is on my list but I haven't gotten to it yet.  But I had totally forgotten that Yellow Ribbon has "home" in it!  In case you've forgotten too, it's in the very first line of the song -- "I'm coming home, I've done my time."
So I immediately looked up the lyrics and did that as today's daily art.

If anybody else thinks of some home songs, please let me know.  Not the easy ones, like Home on the Range or Home Sweet Home, but ones like Yellow Ribbon where the magic word is incidental to the theme.  So far my favorite hidden treasure is Take Me Out to the Ball Game -- sing it to yourself and you'll find the home!

Here's my favorite miniature of the week.  When I was grating a nutmeg (hand-imported from Grenada) I realized that the inside was hollowed out, so I grated some more from the other side to make a ring.

You can check out all the daily calligraphy and miniatures here.

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