Monday, June 15, 2015

Quilt National 11 -- inside out

How interesting that two quilts in QN '15, taking almost the identical approach, were both from
German-speaking Europe.

Inge Hueber, Colourscape 1 (detail below)

Beatrice Lanter, hinten VII, orange (detail below)

Not sure this technique is as mind-boggling as it was twenty years ago, but still an interesting twist on the traditional pieced quilt.  Both artists are members of the obsessive-compulsive school of quiltmaking, with their individual pieces less than an inch across, and you have to admire the concentration it took to complete these rather large quilts.

I'll be a party-pooper and say that I might like to see what the other side of these quilts look like.  Also I'm sorry I didn't illegally peek at the back to see how these were quilted.

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