Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Quilt National 12 -- best in show

I'm getting tired of writing about Quilt National so I'll wind up this extended series of reviews with the best in show quilt.  I've been following Karen Schulz's work for some time, as she has been a regular in Form, Not Function, my local show.  And I confess that I liked the quilts I saw at FNF better than the one I saw at QN.

Karen Schulz, Girl in the City with Blue Hair, best in show, QN '15 (detail below)

Karen Schulz, Stonehenge-ish, FNF 2014 (detail below)

Karen Schulz, Improvisation: Two Circles, FNF 2015 

She says in her QN artist statement, "My work is primarily concerned with the formal considerations of composition.  The quilted line and the thicker couched line, both an integral part of my current efforts, grow out of the underlying structure."

In each of the three works, the composition is strong and striking; the piecing and quilting on all three works are impeccable.  But for me, the more austere color palette of the QN piece takes away from its overall impact.  

What do you think?

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