Friday, May 20, 2016

FNF 3 -- more pieced quilts

Lots of pieced quilts at Form, Not Function this year!  As it happens, all three of the artists I'm showing you today were also in Art Quilt Elements in Wayne PA last month -- but with a different quilt in each case.  That's nice, getting to see two works by favorite artists in person so close together.

Bonnie Bucknam, Red Lightning

Bonnie's work is always big and beautiful; she has won best in show at FNF in the past and her quilt, striking from a distance, got one of the places of honor at the end of the two symmetrical galleries.  That's it in the center of the far vista below. Bonnie's work is characterized by dramatic jaggedy shapes, beautifully pieced and quilted.

Valerie Maser-Flanagan, Shifting Thoughts 

You know I'm a sucker for stripes, so obviously I like this piece, and yes, the stripes are all individually pieced; no lazy-woman's commercial stripes for this artist!  I like the very simple palette and construction, surprisingly yielding a lot of complexity as the stripes angle up and down on a whim.

Denise Roberts, Mitote #4 (detail below)

Here's a woman who knows how to cut and piece complicated curves, but doesn't know when to stop.  The colors twist and weave, plunge under and reappear,  "Mitote" comes from the ancient Toltec word for a sacred circle dance, but now is used to mean an uproar or turmoil; it's easy to see both those meanings reflected in the busy composition.

More quilts from FNF coming up next week.

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