Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Christmas approaches

Halloween is just behind us and already we're thinking of -- not Thanksgiving -- but Christmas.  Long-time readers know that making Christmas ornaments is a big deal with me; every year needs a new design and since the list is nearing 50, it takes a while to crank them out.  Sometimes at the beginning of November I don't even have a plan yet, but this year I'm happy to report that not only do I have a plan, but I have made about half of them and the first batch is already winging (or perhaps floating) its way to Europe.

I can't show you anything till Christmas, but I can tantalize you with the news that the major tool involved in this year's construction is a heat gun.

2007 -- major tool, computerized sewing machine

2004 -- major tool, polymer clay

2005 -- major tool, bead loom

And as usual, I'm wanting to make an ornament for one of my blog followers.  Leave a comment between now and election day (yes, election day is finally getting here and our long national nightmare will be over, to misquote Gerald Ford) and I'll choose one of you to be thrilled and surprised.

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