Monday, November 28, 2016

Cyber Monday deal!

Yes, it's Cyber Monday, and have I got a special deal for you!

If you buy a copy of my book, Pattern-Free Quilts: Riffs on the Rail Fence Block, between now and the end of the year, we'll send you a rail fence quilt block made by ME!  THE AUTHOR!  Maybe one that I made to illustrate a particular point in the book, maybe a leftover from one of the quilts in the gallery, maybe a brand-new block made for therapy. (I do that a lot.)

So how might a gift quilt block improve your life?

It could become a miniature quilt for your granddaughter's dollhouse.  It could be the center of a medallion quilt, if you add other fabrics to complement or contrast.  It could be fun to look at the back and see how I do seams and pressing, things you can't see from looking at finished quilts.  It could take up residence on your design wall and perhaps provide inspiration for a future project.

To get a free rail fence block, buy a copy of the book from CreateSpace (click here) or Amazon (click here).  If it's all the same to you, I'd rather you use CreateSpace -- same book, same price, but more of it comes to me and less to Jeff Bezos, who already seems to have plenty.

Then email your receipt and your street address to  Sorry, we can't send outside the U.S.  

And how might a copy of this book improve your life?  If your New Year's resolution is going to be to try something new, this could be it.  If you've been feeling uncreative and depressed, maybe a simple, unthreatening approach to quilting could be just what you need to calm down and get your juices flowing again.  If you want some new ideas for your baby quilts or charity quilts, this book has plenty of them.  If you know a beginning or intermediate quilter who still uses other people's patterns and needs the self-confidence to tackle original designs, this is the book to give!!

I hope I'l l be sending out lots of blocks in the next few weeks, and I hope you enjoy the book -- and the block.  Thank you!!

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