Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Form, Not Function 3 -- machine quilting

Most of the quilts in Form, Not Function are machine quilted, which isn't really surprising (what surprised me was how many quilts had both machine and hand quilting).  But few of them had what I might describe as fancy quilting -- most of them simply had parallel lines of straight stitching, or perhaps two sets of parallel lines to make a grid.

I'm not one to poke fun at this method of quilting, since it's my default design, but I did think that some of the quilts in the show would have benefited from a little higher degree of complexity or pattern in the quilting.

The only really masterwork quilting in the show was done by Sandra Palmer Ciolino, whose very large quilt won an Award of Excellence presented by River City Fiber Artists.

Sandra Ciolino, Precaria #8: Crucible  (details below)

Sandy is well known for her wonderful free-motion quilting, in which she frequently changes designs as she moves from one part of the quilt to another.  And this quilt did not disappoint.

I also liked the machine quilting on Beth Schnellenberger's quilt, which won the Inspired by Nature Award, presented by Juanita Yeager.

Beth Schnellenberger, Scorched Earth (detail below)

More quilting in tomorrow's post....

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