Friday, August 25, 2017

The pyramids are almost all gone

I wrote in February about a new fiber art enthusiasm, making pyramids out of heavily machine-stitched fabric, stitched so densely that the fabric took on structural integrity and would stand on its own.  I made five pyramids in reds and blues and put them on display at Pyro Gallery, the co-op gallery where I have been a member since last fall.

To my surprise, four out of the five have been sold -- all but the tallest, pointy-haired blue one.

So what do you do with one pyramid?  I guess you go back to the sewing machine and make some more so this one won't be lonely.

All the pyramids were stitched with shiny polyester machine embroidery thread, left over from the Mending Project at Kentucky Museum of Art + Craft, which I participated in and wrote about extensively two years ago.  KMAC was trying to get rid of a lot of stuff it had no storage space for, and our local fiber art group got to take home thread.  I have a whole drawer full so stitching pyramids will be totally free, at least in terms of materials (not so in terms of time).

Since I made the first five pyramids, I've been having ideas for more -- I could truncate the pyramids, I could make doors and windows, I could build little dormers and awnings and bulges onto their sides.  So one of these days I'll be back in the pyramid-building business.

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