Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Life imitates art 8

For many years Ken and I have had the tradition of a "beer shot," a photo when we're sitting in a foreign place about to improve our day with a cold beverage.  We align the glasses or cans so the labels are visible, along with a bit of the background scenery, such as this picturesque little cafe in Copenhagen three weeks ago.

We've done so many of these on various continents that I was able to make a book for Ken's birthday a couple of years ago, called "A Shot of a Beer."  (I was almost as proud of the title as of the photos.)

So when I found this painting in the Hamburg Kunsthalle museum it was clearly a case of life imitating art.  Even though it took three and a half centuries.

Johann Georg Hinz, Still Life with Beer Glass and Bread Rolls, 1665

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