Thursday, December 27, 2018

Your comments always welcome!!

Somebody left a comment on this morning's post that gave me pause.

Anonymous wrote:  "I have tried many times to comment here but -- well, your settings do not allow me in -- I am giving it one more try."

First off, I am so glad that you managed to leave a comment this time!  Perseverance is a fine virtue and I am honored that you are such a faithful reader that you will try again, and especially honored that your post said you liked my idea, not that you hate my blog.

But second off, I don't understand why you have been having trouble in the past.  My settings are as open as I can get them:

Perhaps it's a problem of how you use the comment interface.  Here's a step-by-step of how that works on a computer.

If you want to leave a comments, scroll down to the bottom of the post and click on the COMMENT text.  Sometimes it reads NO COMMENTS: and sometimes it reads 1 COMMENT: or whatever.

Type in your comment in the box that says "Enter your comment..."

For some lucky (?) people, Google already knows who you are and helpfully (?) has your name right there.  If you want your comment to post with that name, go ahead and hit Publish.

If you don't want to be identified that way, click on the down arrow next to your name and you will find two other choices:

You can be identified as Anonymous, or you can choose another name.  To do that, click on Name/URL:

Type in whatever name you wish in the top box, and leave the URL box blank.  (No, I have never tried to use the URL box and I don't know what would happen if I did.)

Hit Publish and you'll get a success message.

I hope you will keep reading my blog, whoever you are, and that you will be moved occasionally to leave a comment.  I love to hear from you all.

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