Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

Do I tell you all frequently enough how much I love you?  I'm starting the tenth year of this blog and the reason I stick with it is because it's so gratifying to make contacts with so many internet friends around the world.  If not for you faithful followers, there would be no reason for me to blog, but with you out there reading, it's a never-ending conversation that enriches my life and, I hope, maybe enriches yours too.

Last week I posted about people having trouble leaving comments on my blog and received many responses -- some came to me by email because, guess what, people had trouble leaving comments on the blog.  I'm going to try to tweak my settings in the coming weeks to make that easier and may be asking you to be guinea pigs, but not now.

One of the commenters said that she hates it when you leave a comment on a blog and the writer never responds.  Perhaps I am guilty of that sin, because I don't reply to every comment.  I don't enjoy reading blogs where the comment sections are dialog: 
   Reader 1:  I liked this post
         Blogger:  Thanks for commenting!
   Reader 2:  I hated this post
         Blogger:  Thanks for commenting!
   Reader 3:  Your quilt looks wonderful.
         Blogger:  Thanks for commenting!
   Reader 4:  I also hated this post
         Blogger:  Thanks for commenting!

But I do read every word that you post, and I always respond to questions and debates that show up in the comments.  Mostly I do it in a new blog post -- because if you leave a comment, and I respond in the comment section, how are you going to find it?   Unless you keep it in your mind -- gee, Kathy owes me an answer -- and keep going back to see whether she has given you one yet -- you may never get my snappy comeback.  And other readers won't either.

A couple of those issues will show up in the next week or so, because you asked.  Stay tuned!

Meanwhile, I hope we can all have a good year ahead, full of art and full of friends.

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