Saturday, January 19, 2019

Last week on Art With a Needle

The cataract surgery went beautifully and a few hours later I could already see a dramatic difference in the amount of light entering my left eye.  I was sitting at the table in front of a white plate on a dark green tablecloth.  When I looked through my untouched eye the plate was a lovely warm white; when I looked through the new eye it was brilliant blue/white, like the computer screen turned too bright.  Vision is still blurry but improving every day.

Here's my favorite daily miniature from this past week. Several days ago I found a stray slide on my work table and for some reason took the film out.  I did nothing useful with either bit, so both film and slide mount lurked about for a while.  Here's the film cut in two and made into a little packet, layered with a bit of yellow cardstock that was sitting on the work table.  How nice that I had yellow thread in the sewing machine already.  Serendipity is what this project is all about.

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