Tuesday, August 27, 2019

“Noon Shine" --- Sold

One of those steamy hot afternoon, I painted this turquoise house in downtown Easton. It was so sweet when using those radiant colors. I felt dizzy. I was drunk. Those vibrant pigments combined with Gambsol was  so intoxicating. I want to call it "Noon Shine", for its light and for its feeling. 

It is a small painting. I did many small paintings before, especially my "Daily Painting" days. It has been a long time since I visited any "Daily Painting" websites the last time. I am wondering if there are still many artists call themselves "Daily Painters" nowadays. I am wondering if there still someone selling painting via eBay as I did before. It feels like the last century, must be many iPhone versions ago. Something goes up, and something comes down. Things move in circles. "Noon Shine" turns to "Moonshine". Besides that, nothing has happened.

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