Friday, April 22, 2016

Art Quilt Elements 3 -- pieced quilts with pieced stripes

The theme for today is stripes, and I know whereof I speak, having worked largely in stripes for at least the last three or four years.  But I admit it, I cheat -- I buy commercial striped fabric.  So when I see other artists who skip that step and construct their stripes by piecing them, I admire their dedication.  Here are two pieces that do it the long way.

Hope Wilmarth, Fault Line II, 40 x 40"

This quilt really resonates with me; in addition to using my beloved stripes at wonky angles, it even shares a title that I have given to several of my own quilts.  I like the stripes and the wonky angles, and the occasional white lines that edge some of the shapes.

Niraja Lorenz, Strange Attractor #3 -- Riverway, 41 x 41" (details below)

This is another artist whose work I have not seen before, but I'm impressed!  I love the complexity of the piecing and the wide variety of forms and shapes.

Seeing these two quilts next to one another (in the show they were in different rooms, I think) makes you realize and appreciate how many different ways there are to use little stripes.  Wilmarth's piece is calm and simple, even though the stripes make sectors of varying shapes and angles; by contrast, Lorenz's is unpredictable and exuberant, with way more going on.  Which do you like better?

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