Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"Demo at Sacramento 2016 1"

This is my demo 1 on my Sacramento workshop. However, what I want to say today is that this painting was done about two weeks ago.

Life has successfully stopped me from painting for about two weeks now. I must admit that I have lost the battle this time. Like most of people on this world, I was sooooo busy. This busy-ness has driven me nuts. Painting? who care about that? I have been doing "important" things.

Being busy is a very dangerous disease. The Chinese character for "busy" has two parts: the left means "heart" and the right means "death". So if you are too busy, your heart will die. If you feel no way out of those "important" things, you want to be alert now. This world will turn you into a zombie.

I want to thank Patris Miller for organizing this workshop and thanks all the California artists for coming and paint with me.

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