Monday, April 4, 2016

Second prize

You've heard the W.C. Fields joke that first prize is a week in Philadelphia, and second prize is two weeks in Philadelphia.  Well, I'll take second prize in a heartbeat.  I've always loved Philly, since I spent my first summer away from home with a summer internship there in college, and it was a treat to visit there over this past weekend for the SAQA conference.

I'll have a couple of posts about the conference later, but this morning I wanted to share my good news from the Art Quilt Elements show, which had its opening reception on Saturday.  (Always nice to have a SAQA event at the same place and time as the opening of an important quilt show, because it boosts attendance for both.)

My piece in the show is Linear B, in which my fine pieced lines, formerly relegated to duty outlining larger background shapes, rose up and took over the place.  And to my delight, it won the Juror's Award, which seems to translate to second prize in the show.

Linear B (detail below)

I'll have lots more about the other quilts in the show in later posts, so stay tuned.

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